Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Back again - Lavender essential oils

Well, I'm sure you all know how life has a habit of getting hectic, and time can get away from us, especially with a 3 year old on the loose, and work and school and life keeping us busy. So, yes, that is my excuse for not writing for a long time. With apologies.

That doesn't mean that we haven't been busy, of course. New things come up all the time.

I have found the most amazing organic lavender essential oil. I have never smelled anything that can even compare. So I have been corresponding with someone trying to bring that in for our e-store.

It's amazing how different the "same" essential oils can smell. Lavender essential oils are broken up into "lavendin" and "lavender" essential oils. These two types of lavender essential oils are from different varieties of the lavender flower that grow at different heights from sea level.

In my research (smell tests), I have found that where the lavender is grown in the world makes a huge difference as well as the particular farm it is from. I have purchased French lavender essential oils, but the sample of a French organic lavender essential oil that I am currently working on purchasing is in a class all of its own.

Keeping my fingers crossed that we can put our order in soon, sending wishes you all can relax on a lavender breeze!