Monday 14 March 2011

Growing the company

Hello all, and welcome to our blog.

Things have been really growing for us, which is really exciting. However, with the excitement of growing comes growing pains.

I'm not talking about the growing pains that can be eased by heating up one of our lavender heating pads and relaxing; I'm talking about the part where the government wants its share of the profits. So we now will be adding tax to our product. The good news about that is that because we are out of Alberta, it's only 5%.

Although we do need to charge the GST, to counteract this to all of our customers, we will be offering a free gift with every purchase (a small lavender spritzer) for you to try out.

We appreciate your support since we began almost two years ago, and hope to see your continued support in the future.

And remember to continue taking a moment to relax on a lavender breeze!

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