Thursday, 6 August 2009

Lavender heating pads

My husband has been complaining of knee pains for a long time. X-rays have shown that his problems are a combination of torn ACL and arthritis. This is, of course, problematic for a landscaper, and so I started my experiment.

Lavender is claimed to be an "adaptogen", which means that it adapts to what your body needs and starts the healing process. The lavender added to the heat on soar muscles is wonderful. I love it. It works wonders for menstrual cramps and aching muscles. But would my skeptic husband be convinced?

He has been using a brace on his knee all year, and complaining terribly of the pain. So every night, as he sat on the couch to relax, I heated up one of our lavender heating pads for him, and put it on his knee.

There are a combination of things that he thinks perhaps helped soothe his knee. Putting his knee up to rest probably helped. The heat helped, and he says that, although he wouldn’t say that his knee was healed after using the lavender heating pad, it definitely was very soothing, and helped ease the pain. Of course, few things that severe are cured over a week, so we will keep using it.

So the skeptic, although not completely won over on this subject, is starting to be swayed on the benefits of heat and lavender combined.

Stay tuned next week as we see how our lavender skeptic sleeps when we put lavender under his pillow!

1 comment:

  1. I also have a 'skeptic' for a husband, but after the pain he's experienced as a result of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (an autoimmune disorder where his body attacked the nervous system) he's open more to trying things that may help. His pains/discomforts are mostly attributed to the myelin sheath trying to regrow to cover his nerves but his muscles do ache as they are learning to function as they once did (and as often as they once did). We have begun using the Lavender Heating Pads mentioned above and my husband has commented on their soothing abilities as well as the invigorating aroma. He's enjoyed the relief at the end of the day and I've enjoyed how the smell of lavender now permeates our home in the evenings.
