Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Going even Greener!

I’m back, and we’re going greener!

Well, I admit I have taken a bit of a sabbatical from my blog (my apologies!) while I was in school over the last year, but I’m back this summer with ideas on creating a greener product.

This year, I was awarded a grant from the Alberta government – a technopreneurship – to help my little company. When I say I was awarded a grant, I should say that I was informed that I had been awarded the grant. I’m still fighting through the red tape to actually receive it, but it is helping achieve our plans to go greener.

So I would like to let you know some of the exciting changes we have planned for this coming year.

Our first green plan is to switch our flax. Currently we have been using regular flax, which I’m sure comes through several hands before we purchased it. We have discovered an organic flax farm just south of Calgary. We will be able to switch to organic flax, and also decrease our carbon footprint on this product.

Our second change we are looking forward to is changing to organic bamboo material. We have found a carrier of bamboo material that has organic cotton/bamboo fleece blend which we are hoping to use for our heating pads and snuggle buddies, as well as bamboo silk for our lavender silk eye pillows. We are also looking at the soy/bamboo material as well as the hemp/bamboo blends to see if those might be something that would work in the future.

Our third change that we are hoping to do is to travel to France and find a lavender farm that will send us the lavender and lavender essential oils directly. This way we will be able to make sure that it is the highest quality organic lavender and lavender essential oils as well as cutting down on our carbon footprint. It will also give us a chance to visit the lavender festivals to come up with ideas for new products. It will also allow us to see the farms up close to ensure the best possible product for our customers.

We’re looking forward to the red tape being fought through to make these switches and bring you an even more environmentally friendly product!

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