Friday, 27 August 2010

Divine Spa Salts

I have never been one for unscented bath salts. Usually, I want either mountains of bubbles, or a luxurious scent, but I thought I would try something new. I had been recommended spa salts, including Himalayan Sea Salts, Solar Salts, Dead Sea Salts, and Grey Brut Organic French Salt.

With this luxurious blend, I ran myself a hot bath, and found myself melting in the bath. It was so relaxing, that even the sound of my two-and-a-half year old whining in the hallway didn't make me wince like I usually do. After all, that's what husbands are for, right?

My daughter adored the bubbling bath salts I had tested, with the mounds of bubbles, and the lavender bath salts took away the stress of my day, and it turns out that the unscented spa salts are also just as relaxing. So, it looks like we have three winning combinations. The friends and relations who have tried them have also given rave reviews, so we will have them up on our website in the coming week or so!

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Treating my wrists to a little luxury

I spend an obscene amount of time on the computer. Not obscene compared with the average Canadian, but obscene compared to how much time I spend on other chores or tasks: cooking, cleaning, reading to my daughter, creating new products, etc, etc, etc.

So I decided that maybe it was time that my aching wrists deserved a little bit of a treat. So, while I was cutting out material today to get ready for the upcoming charity golf tournament that Lavender Breeze is attending, I cut out a couple of samplers to test them out. Using bamboo velour, I created lavender wrist rests for while I am typing. I have to say, I am quite pleased with the result. The velour is really nice in the freezer or in the microwave, and I have to say, it really takes the pressure off of the wrists while typing.

I grew up playing the piano, and even now, I feel my old piano teacher's eyes on me, telling me to "Keep those wrists up!" whether I'm playing the piano or typing at the computer, so being able to just relax them on a soft velour rest really gives me something to enjoy.

My little brother is a computer programmer, so I think I'll give him the other one to try out and see what he thinks before adding this to our repertoire, but I think this is a keeper. I think anything that can make me relax while on the computer for too many hours of the day, is a step in the right direction!

Friday, 20 August 2010

Adopting Bamboo

Well, I have been terribly lax on my blogging this summer, and I can't imagine I will get all that much better during my final year of University, but I am going to start again. And perhaps I will get a few posts done before life gets away from me again!

The grant has been moving forward, and I am starting to get to my new phase. I have had wonderful feedback on my bamboo fabrics, and just went and picked up my large shipment today.

However, there was a glitch. The bamboo supplier lost their supplier who makes the bamboo satin. Literally. They are apparently lost somewhere in India. This, of course, is problematic, since I now have no supplier for my satin eye pillow material. Of course, I have been frantically combing the web, searching for somewhere new, but have found nothing this side of the Atlantic ocean. So switching to new materials for those will have to wait. If anyone knows of bamboo suppliers in North America, I would love to hear from you!

On the positive side, the bamboo fleeces and velours are amazing, and I love heating one up (yes, even on the warm summer evenings!) to go to sleep, and I find myself waking up hours later, with the heat still retained, and the stress I carry in my shoulders from chasing a two-and-a-half year old all day, having slipped away.

We will soon be blowing out the rest of our merchandise to bring in the bamboo materials for our wonderful "green" lavender heating pads. Which in the summer we also point out are great for sticking in the freezer to cool down on hot summer nights as well.

Well, motherhood calls, but watch for my next post on our new bath salts!