Friday, 27 August 2010

Divine Spa Salts

I have never been one for unscented bath salts. Usually, I want either mountains of bubbles, or a luxurious scent, but I thought I would try something new. I had been recommended spa salts, including Himalayan Sea Salts, Solar Salts, Dead Sea Salts, and Grey Brut Organic French Salt.

With this luxurious blend, I ran myself a hot bath, and found myself melting in the bath. It was so relaxing, that even the sound of my two-and-a-half year old whining in the hallway didn't make me wince like I usually do. After all, that's what husbands are for, right?

My daughter adored the bubbling bath salts I had tested, with the mounds of bubbles, and the lavender bath salts took away the stress of my day, and it turns out that the unscented spa salts are also just as relaxing. So, it looks like we have three winning combinations. The friends and relations who have tried them have also given rave reviews, so we will have them up on our website in the coming week or so!

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