Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Lavender Sleep Stones

Spring cleaning had begun, and my 3 year old had stopped sleeping. Whether or not these two things were related, I don't know, but I was exhausted, and she wasn't sleeping. Something had to be done.

Every night she was climbing into our bed, two, three, even four times in a night, where we would leave her until she started kicking in her sleep or pushing one of us out of bed. With the lack of sleep, everyone was on edge.

When the lavender essential oils arrived from France, I found the needed stone to make my first sleep stone. For, as every parent knows, the expression "to sleep like a baby", doesn't always mean that babies or toddlers sleep soundly through the night.

Parents also know that if children sleep well, parents are more likely to be able to sleep.

I made two sleep stones to start - one for my little one's room, and one for my own, and the sound sleep we all had that night was a dream come true.

It is now three nights that she has stayed in bed, and everyone in the house is happier and less on edge.

Conclusion? The sleep stones are a success, and we will have them on our website very soon!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Organic Lavender Essential OIls

They finally arrived! After almost a year of sourcing, e-mailing, phone tagging, translating, and waiting, waiting waiting, they are here.

The French organic lavender essential oils have arrived.

The smell is absolutely divine. Devoid of the sharp "chemical" smell that seems to accompany most of the lavender essential oils I have used before, I am absolutely thrilled to be able to offer this unique organic lavender essential oil to our customers, as well as use it in our products.

How are essential oils used? Here are some ways we like to use ours:

A couple drops on a pillow to help sleep

10-15 drops in a luxurious bath

10-15 drops in the wash, especially in delicate or hang to dry loads

In aromatic diffusers

Added to lotions and sunscreens to help ward off mosquitoes (very well diluted)

And our new favourite is for freshening up sleep stones.

Join us tomorrow for an update on our sleep stones!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Growing the company

Hello all, and welcome to our blog.

Things have been really growing for us, which is really exciting. However, with the excitement of growing comes growing pains.

I'm not talking about the growing pains that can be eased by heating up one of our lavender heating pads and relaxing; I'm talking about the part where the government wants its share of the profits. So we now will be adding tax to our product. The good news about that is that because we are out of Alberta, it's only 5%.

Although we do need to charge the GST, to counteract this to all of our customers, we will be offering a free gift with every purchase (a small lavender spritzer) for you to try out.

We appreciate your support since we began almost two years ago, and hope to see your continued support in the future.

And remember to continue taking a moment to relax on a lavender breeze!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Getting Rid of Monthly Cramps Naturally

When I was a teenager, I began suffering from severe cramps. Every month, I would take off a day or two of school to stay in bed and whimper, turning to Midol, hot baths, trying to eat better, and all the things everyone always recommended.

And some of them helped a little. Exercise helped. Midol helped. Not indulging my cravings for sweets helped a little. But every month they were back.

As I started researching lavender, I read about the claim that they relieved cramps. As I started my business, I tested it out. I used lavender heating pads on my cramps, or had hot baths with lavender in them.

This month, I realized that things have changed.

I'm not nearly so cranky when "Mother Nature" comes to visit. My cramps aren't nearly as bad. And I don't dread the knowledge that I'll be staying in bed. Because I don't.

I don't need Midol anymore, and the only thing that I can see that's changed is our use of lavender as an alternative. I don't exercise regularly (I try, but it's always on again, off again), or ignore my cravings (although I may have changed what I eat for my cravings since I was a teenager). But the biggest difference is using lavender heating pads and having lavender baths.

The lavender is great, since it is a natural relaxant, and this makes me way less cranky and grumpy every month.

And that makes everyone happy!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Back again - Lavender essential oils

Well, I'm sure you all know how life has a habit of getting hectic, and time can get away from us, especially with a 3 year old on the loose, and work and school and life keeping us busy. So, yes, that is my excuse for not writing for a long time. With apologies.

That doesn't mean that we haven't been busy, of course. New things come up all the time.

I have found the most amazing organic lavender essential oil. I have never smelled anything that can even compare. So I have been corresponding with someone trying to bring that in for our e-store.

It's amazing how different the "same" essential oils can smell. Lavender essential oils are broken up into "lavendin" and "lavender" essential oils. These two types of lavender essential oils are from different varieties of the lavender flower that grow at different heights from sea level.

In my research (smell tests), I have found that where the lavender is grown in the world makes a huge difference as well as the particular farm it is from. I have purchased French lavender essential oils, but the sample of a French organic lavender essential oil that I am currently working on purchasing is in a class all of its own.

Keeping my fingers crossed that we can put our order in soon, sending wishes you all can relax on a lavender breeze!