Thursday, 3 March 2011

Getting Rid of Monthly Cramps Naturally

When I was a teenager, I began suffering from severe cramps. Every month, I would take off a day or two of school to stay in bed and whimper, turning to Midol, hot baths, trying to eat better, and all the things everyone always recommended.

And some of them helped a little. Exercise helped. Midol helped. Not indulging my cravings for sweets helped a little. But every month they were back.

As I started researching lavender, I read about the claim that they relieved cramps. As I started my business, I tested it out. I used lavender heating pads on my cramps, or had hot baths with lavender in them.

This month, I realized that things have changed.

I'm not nearly so cranky when "Mother Nature" comes to visit. My cramps aren't nearly as bad. And I don't dread the knowledge that I'll be staying in bed. Because I don't.

I don't need Midol anymore, and the only thing that I can see that's changed is our use of lavender as an alternative. I don't exercise regularly (I try, but it's always on again, off again), or ignore my cravings (although I may have changed what I eat for my cravings since I was a teenager). But the biggest difference is using lavender heating pads and having lavender baths.

The lavender is great, since it is a natural relaxant, and this makes me way less cranky and grumpy every month.

And that makes everyone happy!

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